emmy’s shirt + similar skirt + similar shoes || my dress + hat + boots

Starting each day with positive affirmations can be a powerful way to set the tone for the day ahead. I have found that taking a few moments each morning to focus on positive thoughts and affirmations can help me to feel more centered, motivated, and confident throughout the day. Whether reciting affirmations out loud, writing them down in a journal, or simply reflecting on positive thoughts, incorporating positive affirmations into your morning routine will be significant to your overall well-being.



To choose words of affirmation that resonate with you, start by reflecting on your values. What’s important to you? What are your core beliefs? Your values can guide you in choosing words of affirmation that align with who you are and what you stand for.

For example, if one of your core values is kindness, you might choose words of affirmation that focus on being kind to yourself and others. If you value growth and learning, you might choose words of affirmation encouraging you to take risks and embrace new experiences.

Lovers Island
my hat + sunglasses


Starting the day with words of affirmation can help me feel more grateful for what I have in my life. By focusing on the positive – I am more likely to see the good in my life. This can help me feel more content and satisfied with my life, even when things aren’t perfect.

Overall, I believe that words of affirmation are a powerful tool for improving our mindset and well-being. By starting each day with positive self-talk, we can improve our self-esteem, manage stress, and foster gratitude.

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When I start the day by telling myself positive things, I’m more likely to believe them. This can lead to an increase in self-esteem, which positively impacts my overall well-being. Rather than focusing on my flaws or mistakes, I see myself more emphatically.

my dress


When I’m feeling stressed or anxious, words of affirmation can help me feel more calm and more centered. By reminding myself that I’m capable and strong, I can handle whatever challenges come my way. This can help me feel more in control, even when things feel overwhelming.

my top + jeans


Choosing words of affirmation that counteract negative self-talk can be a powerful way to improve your mood and boost your confidence. For example, if you often tell yourself you’re not good enough, you might choose words of affirmation that remind you of your worth and value.

By reflecting on your values, considering your goals, and thinking about your self-talk, you can choose words of affirmation that are meaningful and effective for you. Remember to keep these positive, specific, and present tense, and repeat them to yourself regularly for the best results.