Welcome to The Robinson Nest

Our Journey in Living Yoga Off the Mat

Greetings and a warm welcome to our sanctuary, The Robinson Nest! My name is Elle, the heart and soul behind this serene space. As a devoted practitioner and a 200-hour certified trauma-informed yoga teacher, my life's mission extends beyond the mat, embracing the essence of yoga in every facet of daily living.

From workout to inner work.

My voyage into the realm of yoga unfolded within the quietude of a yin yoga class, initially sought as a solace to mend my spirit from disappointment. This journey, though embarked upon with an aspiration for transformation, taught me an invaluable lesson – the true essence of living my journey wasn’t confined to the mat. The quest for freedom and fulfillment demanded a yoga practice that would intertwine with the rhythm of my daily life, guiding me towards enlightenment and inner peace, step by step.

It dawned on me that restricting my practice to just one dimension of yoga was limiting; it merely scratched the surface of its boundless potential. In broadening my horizons, I embraced the entirety of yoga as a holistic practice – a decision that marked the beginning of an awe-inspiring transformation. It equipped me with the strength to quell the discord of negative self-talk, endowed me with clarity and confidence, and steered me towards a life of purpose and contentment.

My beautiful journey is intertwined with the joys of family life. Engaged to my soulmate, Reilly, we cherish the laughter and love of our wonderful children – Samuel, Emmy, Bradley, and Rylan. They are the light of our lives, motivating us to live our values and impart lessons of love, resilience, and compassion.

Shift your mindset

At The Robinson Nest, we advocate for a lifestyle where yoga transcends the physical confines of practice – we embody its principles in how we live, love, and lead. It is our earnest invitation to you, to join our family, as we navigate this beautiful, winding journey of life with yoga as our compass.


Join us in discovering how to LIVE YOGA OFF THE MAT – where every breath, movement, and moment is an opportunity to manifest peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Welcome to the family,